Transforming Free Zone Customer Journeys, Processeses and Systems

We redesigned all processes from the ground up with a customer centric approach to enable a new improved customer journey.
Digital Transformation
Customer Experience
Mystery Audit
September 1, 2020
CX Consultant
Transforming Businesses

Our Impact in Numbers

Our services have helped numerous companies achieve significant improvements in customer satisfaction, revenue growth, operational efficiency, employee productivity, and customer retention. With a track record of delivering results, we are committed to transforming businesses.

Pain Points


Pain points discovered across multiple journeys and processes

Process Automation


Of steps across 94 individual processes were fully automated

Effort Reduction


Of customer effort was eliminated

Quick Facts

The methodology & numbers

The workflows were simplified, streamlined and automated

- to deliver consistency and quality, and enhanced

- to elevate customer and employee experience.

Aslan Patov
Founder & CEO
Aziz Abdulfattah
Junior Consultant
Ayman Ahmed
P&P Specialist
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Context, Approach & Methodology

  • DAFZA recognized the importance of its CRM and the opportunity to drive change through it to enhance the customer experience.
  • DAFZA is a free economic zone in Dubai and home to more than 1,600 registered companies and 15,000 professionals. It is one of the fastest growing free zones in the region, contributing 5 per cent of Dubai's GDP.
  • The services to customers cover everything required for company set up: from leasing and licensing, to visa and government services and ongoing operation: from facility management, to security and IT.
  • Together we set out to achieve three goals:- Improve Customer Engagement- Streamline and Enhance Processes- Consistency and Quality through TechnologyWe interviewed, observed and analysed the customer behaviour to identify pain points and opportunities and worked very closely with the departments to understand their requirements.After designing the future customer journey we dove deep into the detailed processes that will drive that customer experience and defined the system requirements to enable it.
  • The engagement was a remarkable success and was extended to cover implementation support, as the new processes got implemented in a new CRM system.

The Groundwork

  • 25+ workshops - We conducted workshops with customers and the business to define the new customer journey and the values that form the new CX vision. We held separate workshops with the departments to co-create and validate the new processes.
  • 54 business interviews - We conducted in-depth, full-day interviews with 21 different functions across all departments to gain a deep understanding of the requirements of the business.
  • 45 customer calls - Listening to customer call recordings, following up on negative ratings of customer interactions and direct customer interviews. This let us hear first hand what issues customers are facing, how they are being resolved. It enabled us to ask customers directly about pain points they experience and to identify hidden barriers in their journey.
  • 267,250 online sessions - We conducted digital customer shadowing to better understand the customer experience.
    We installed a tool to track the usage of the customer portal. This allowed us to see how customers are actually using the portal and where they drop out of a process.
  • 64 policy change proposals - During our engagement we encountered a number of policies that required change, confirmation or definition.
  • 17 systems and integrations - Salesforce, Oracle Service Cloud, Oracle Sales Cloud, Eloqua, QMS (Quotation module), Avaya, Smart channels, Immigration integration, DHA integration, Guard Pro, Omnivista, BMS, FSI, Docusign, Customer portal, Employee portal, Contractor portal
  • 94 individual processes - Lead Generation, Lead to Quote, Quote to Lease, Lease to License, Lease Renewal, Lease Length Extension, Negotiation, Lease Area Reduction, Certified Copy of Lease, Transfer to Smaller Office, Sharing Premises, Lease Termination, Court Case, License Amendment, License Amendment,  Company Termination, Additional License, License Renewal, License Termination, Company Structure Change, and many more
  • 198 services - Car Pass Sticker for Company Vehicle, Car Pass Sticker for Tenant, E-Gate Pass, Service Provider Gate Pass, Fire Safety Training, Letter for Gate Pass, Letter to Etisalat, CCTV & Access Control, Certified Copy of Good Standing Certificate, DED NOC
    (Issuance of Dual License), DED NOC (Renewal of Dual License), Inspection Request, New Parking, Parking Renewal, E-Security, Clearance, Company Termination, Statement of Accounts, Cheque/PDC Recall, Credit Memo, New Employee Visa and others.

The Results

One Source of Truth

We redesigned the systems to have a single source of truth to ensure reliable and accessible information at every stage and all departments.

CX Vision

We co-created and formulated a CX Vision to guide the company in its interactions with customers. It defines the values that should permeate the customer experience.

Customer Journey

From understanding the As-Is and uncovering pain points to rethinking the future journey, we worked with customers and the business to redesign the experience we want to offer.

Connecting with Employees

Creating a relationship and bond between DAFZA and the workforce that works within the free zone.

Digitisation of Documentation and Approvals

The covid19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital signatures and we used the opportunity to fully digitalise all internal and external approvals.

Simplification and Streamlining of Processes

We challenged every step in the processes in order to trim unnecessary complexity and provide easier and faster services.

Notification Management

When, how, who is notified about what and on which channels is crucial to the customer relationship. We empowered the customer to take charge of how he wants to communicate with the company.

Robotic Process Automation

Across all processes we achieved an average of 31% fully automated steps.
This resulted in dramatically faster and more consistent processing of service requests.

Eliminating Pain Points

779 pain points were identified and rectified for customers and employees, from unclear and confusing processes to broken systems or duplication of work.

Customer Guidance

The lack of guidance and communication to the customer was one of the main concerns we identified.
We implemented targeted and relevant guidance on what to do and how to do it when it is relevant as well as a clear, transparent and detailed status tracker for customers to keep on top of their requests and finally providing a process overview to manage expectations.

Customer Support

A key improvement was enabling and empowering the customer care team to provide actual help and immediate resolution, coupled with a rigorous ticketing system for customer inquiries and complaints.
We went a step beyond to show how live on-screen support can transform how we interact with customers via the customer portal.

Implementation Support

We are excited to support the team throughout the implementation of the plan we created together.
Seeing our work come alive and recommendations being applied is very rewarding and spurs us on to continue to deliver outstanding work.

Project Samples

A few examples of our the work we have delivered

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Satisfied Clients

Hear what our clients have to say about our customer experience projects

You can always expect the best from team Renascence. Hard working. Always share their opinion and recommendations with respect. I really appreciate that as a client.I enjoy bouncing ideas with them.

Ilaria Buonpane

Head of CX

Their passion for CX and drive towards research and innovation leads to unique and relevant methodologies that result in high quality findings. Teams and stakeholders always enjoy interacting with them.

Gregoire Charpe


From the beginning they felt like an extension of my team, working alongside and independently engaging stakeholders as well as the supporting functions surpassing my expectations.

Alex Davies


The team is extremely trustworthy. Meeting the deadlines, always proposing improvements and great attitude.

Fernando Sanchez

SVP Innovations

Very proactive & patient experts. Always excellent outcome. Loved working with them.

Ahmed Elsaadi

CX Director

Great, effective team that goes extra miles and provides great service. Very professional & friendly.

Asma Ben Salah

VP Communities

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Compass CX - a comprehensive customer experience (CX) design framework and toolkit developed by Renascence.

What is customer experience consulting?

Customer experience consulting involves helping businesses improve every interaction a customer has with their brand. Consultants analyze customer journeys, identify pain points, and implement strategies to enhance satisfaction, loyalty, and overall customer experience.

Why is customer centricity important for businesses?

Customer centricity focuses on creating positive customer experiences at every touchpoint. It is crucial because it leads to higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, ultimately driving business growth and profitability.

How can customer experience consulting benefit my business?

Customer experience consulting can benefit your business by providing expert insights into customer behavior, identifying areas for improvement, and developing tailored strategies to enhance customer satisfaction, increase loyalty, and boost revenue.

What are the key components of a successful customer experience strategy?

A successful customer experience strategy includes understanding customer needs and preferences, mapping the customer journey, implementing personalized interactions, gathering and analyzing feedback, and continuously improving processes based on data-driven insights.

How does customer feedback play a role in customer centricity?

Customer feedback is vital for customer centricity as it provides direct insights into customer experiences and expectations. By collecting and analyzing feedback, businesses can make informed decisions to enhance their services and products, leading to better customer satisfaction.

What tools and technologies are used in customer experience consulting?

Tools and technologies used in customer experience consulting include customer relationship management (CRM) systems, customer feedback platforms, journey mapping tools, analytics software, and artificial intelligence (AI) for personalized experiences.

How can businesses measure the success of their customer experience initiatives?

Businesses can measure the success of their customer experience initiatives through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), customer retention rates, and revenue growth.

What are common challenges in implementing a customer-centric culture?

Common challenges in implementing a customer-centric culture include resistance to change, lack of alignment across departments, inadequate customer data, insufficient training for employees, and difficulty in measuring and analyzing customer experience metrics.

How can personalization improve customer experience?

Personalization can improve customer experience by tailoring interactions, offers, and communications to individual customer preferences and behaviors. This makes customers feel valued and understood, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

What role does employee training play in customer experience consulting?

Employee training is crucial in customer experience consulting as it equips staff with the skills and knowledge to deliver exceptional service. Training programs focus on understanding customer needs, effective communication, problem-solving, and fostering a customer-centric mindset.

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