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Defining what a shopping & leisure destination of the future is

How one would define a destination of the future? How can a group manage multiple destinations of different formats and consistently deliver to a range of customers?
4 months

Scope focused on mainly destination customer experiences, with a pilot in City Walk
Tracking Model

A behavior based tracking model that can help Meraas identify and track specific customer archetypes
Group Research

To identify key customer archetypes in:
- Retail
- F&B
- L&E
- Properties
Key Deliverables

- CX Vision Design
- Journey Mapping
- Mystery Shopping
- Customer Research
- Solution Design
- Modelling
Context, Approach & Methodology
In 2020, Meraas asked us to support with their destination CX..
Meraas is one of the UAE's most renowned developers, also focused on destinations: shopping, leisure and entertainment, f&b sectors.

Multiple categories of business coupled with inconsistent offering and service delivery was the key reason why the project took off.
We started with benchmarking, empathy walks and touchpoint analysis. Once the journeys were mapped, we have engaged with thousands of customers to define key archetypes across four categories of business: properties, f&b, l&e and retail.

Once we had the full picture that came from 5k responses of customers across the portfolio, we have launched a customer experience vision workshop for the group and finally mapped the future journeys and rolled out an action plan.

Subsequently, we were asked to create several solutions and design journeys for the Meraas Costumier & Concierge Apps.

Arguably, the project's end was signified by a modelling exercise, where based on the archetypes we have created, we offered a model that helps track those archetypes based on multiple factors and data sources.
What did we achieve?
  • Defined Archetypes
    Across four pillars of business we provided 20+ archetypes (personas) that were rich in attitudinal, behavioral and, more importantly, experience needs data.
  • Behavioral Tracking Model
    Based on multiple sources and data points, we have created an individual to each archetype set of recommendations on how to track them.
  • Two Solutions Designed
    We have provided journeys for two solutions, one of which was designed as an engagement tool for any Meraas customer, another one being designed as a concierge tool.
  • Customer Journeys
    Starting with the as-is, fed by touchpoint analysis and mystery shopping, as well as customer feedback, we have designed the future CX.
  • Customer Experience Vision
    City Walk now has its own vision of how CX should be handled. It helps them focus on what's important, invest in what's required and remain consistent in the eyes of the customer.
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Let's work together
+971 (0) 4-325-10-47
+971 (0) 50-542-01-02
601 Burj Al Salam, Trade Center, Dubai